Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday April 15, 2010 - I'll Always Love My Mama, But . . .

Mama gave me life, with daddy's help. She is the one woman in anyone's life that no one can replace. No cloning or duplications. A mother's love is one of the greatest gifts given by God, that many take for granted. She is the one person in the world you  I will all ways love my mama, but . . .

Every year on the second Sunday in May, we celebrate Mother. We rack our brains trying to find that one gift or thing that would make her feel special. This year will be the 44th year that I must find a way to show her how much she means to me. Another year that I find it hard to do so.

I have given her flowers, food, and jewelry. I even offered her a week at our time-share in Branson. Some times she says yes, thank you, and others just thank you. What I have to top this year for both her and dad is the $2500.00 rings I gave them for their 50th Wedding Anniversary last year. I planned a party for them, and did not attend. How can I top this?

Money is not even a factor to consider. True, everyone likes money, but there are things that Mama find more valuable. Sometime it is a gift with special meaning to her, or an unexpected gesture. Every year I have to find something different, find that one thing that says it is just for my mother. I'm running out of ideas.

This blog is written at this time to see if anyone that reads this might have a suggestion I can use. In advance, thank you. Well, I'm waiting. What can the Last Partner give to his mother?

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